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When life gives you roller skates...

So I just came home from another stressful but fun day at work. You might think that being a librarian is slow work, but no... you're so wromg. I've been running around all day in one direction and then another, answering the patrons questions and helping colleagues. Still I have the greatest job, it's a struggle sometimes, but I am really where I want to be - in one of Swedens most unique libraies that specialize in comics and graphic novels and books related to the Ninth Artform. It's awesome to be able to work with one of one's biggest interests.

After work I went to the store to buy some more coloring pens but I was so tired I accidentally took the metro in the wrong direction and I did not notice until after a few stations, because of course, I was lost in my phone with Instagram and music... Now I'm at home.I'm going to have dinner, pack my bag and then I'm off to this evening's roller derby practice. I'm still dead tired, but what the hell. I know I'll be happy when on skates.

A few words about roller derby, food and taking care of oneself. Last year I had a really rough time. Or, to be honest, it has been going on for many years, but last year I finally got help. I also bought my rollerskates and got into the wonderful world of roller derby. I had been interested for many years but didn't find the courage to finally actually buying myself a pair of roller skates. I just got out and bought them a day in June. Now, I'm not going to tell you the story about my troubles and how roller derby kind of saved me. It's a story for another day with more time. But this year I kind of decided: I'm going to feel good. I'm going to be nicer to myself and feel better. You know, like that guy that Ewan McGregor plays in Trainspotting: I'm chosing life this year. I don't care if a part of it is in "fake it 'til you make it"-style and that I'm on medication for the moment. The medecine is helping me, roller derby helps me and training (and eating) helps me. I'm focusing on the good things this year. Creativitity, roller derby, inspiration at work, crafty stuff off work (like Knit and Roll) and love. I'm going to be nicer to my loved ones, and to myself.

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